This course was created to answer one of the most frequently asked questions from writers who are just starting out.- How do I start writing a book? Not only will you learn how to write a book, this course comes with a workbook to help you apply what you learn.
Course Curriculum
Hi, I’m Arilia Winn
I am the owner and publisher at Winn Publications LLC. Although I have been in business for two years and counting, I have been in the publishing industry for six years. I've done everything from writing and publishing my own books to designing book covers, author websites, and helping other authors publish their work.
I believe that now more than ever is the time to share what I've learned. I'm interested in working with those who are teachable, dedicated, and interested in applying the knowledge that they learn. These courses are for those who are already winners, they just need a push to get them there. These courses are the push. Are you ready?
Writing A Book Can Be Stressful
Writing is only stressful when you are unsure about what you are trying to do. Taking this course clears that all up, easily.
Write Now, Think Later
Here's a tip. Write now, right now and think later. You're overthinking it. After this course you'll see what I mean.
Accomplish Your Goal
Before this course you had an idea for a book. After this course you will have your first draft.